Transfer Student Services (TSS) provides regular events throughout the semester on various topics critical to transfer student success at FSU. Workshops and presentations can also be requested by student groups, organizations, and faculty beyond this schedule. To request a presentation or workshop, please complete this request form and a TSS representative will be in touch!
For information about ACE Workshops visit
Join other transfer students for engagement events and celebrations. question and answer session on various topics related to transfer life. Learn and share tips on how to thrive at FSU. Find out how to access resources on campus, how to have work-school-life balance, the best organizations for transfer students to join. Enjoy a chance to bond with other transfer students on campus.
August 30 - Welcome Week Tabling at Market Wednesday
September 6 - Transfer Student Welcome Event
5-8 p.m. (Location TBA)
October 18 - National Transfer Student Week Celebrations! Market Wednesday tabling and bowling
6-8 p.m.
November 15 - Paint-A-Pot
5:30-8 p.m. Student Union
Canvas 101 & Mastering Canvas
A hands-on workshop for Canvas beginners and experts alike! Students will learn how to navigate their Canvas sites, adjust notification settings, and other strategies to effectively use Canvas for success
Creating a High Quality Learning Environment at Home
This workshop is designed to identify concerns related to remote learning, identifying priorities for an ideal learning environment, and executing strategies for continued remote learning success
Achieving Peace of Mind on Test Day
This workshop is designed to address stress factors that affect test performance and how to utilize strategies to better prepare for exams
Academic Leadership
This workshop is designed to address how transfer students can develop their academic leadership competencies and make their mark on their community.
Success Express: Online Learning Strategies
Learn effective strategies to become a self-regulated learner in your online classes
Getting Yourself Together for Finals: Goals, Plans, & Tasks
Finals are right around the corner, are you ready? This workshop will help students prepare their task management plans and goals to get everything finished
Maximizing Research Skills
This workshop is designed to help students maximizing their research skills and take advantage of campus resources for research.
Other Workshops
These workshops are not currently offered this semester, but can be requested by a student group, organization, or faculty member! To request a presentation or workshop, please complete this request form and a TSS representative will be in touch!
- How to Avoid Transfer Shock: Students will discuss the realistic challenges of a first semester at FSU and how to maximize campus resources to navigate their experience.
- How to Balance Everything as a Transfer Student: Students will discuss mindfulness techniques to keep all the different "selves" that demand our time and attention in alignment. Students will discuss meditation techniques and the benefits of yoga to creating a balanced environment.
- Maximizing "The Stroze" and Other Cool Library Resources: Sponsored by Strozier Library, students will get tips on maximizing their research efforts and hands-on experience effectively using databases as research tools.
- Matching Majors to Careers for Transfer Students: Sponsored by the Career Center, this workshop is specifically designed for transfer students who are still exploring career options. Students will discuss how to turn interdisciplinary experiences into productive careers.
- Predicting Exam Questions: Students will practice incorporating the skills of generating higher order questions as a note-taking and study preparation strategy.
- How Can I Read All of THIS? Students will practice active reading strategies designed to enhance their level of preparation for classes and exams.
- Smart Study Skills for Transfer Students: Students will explore how to develop a comprehensive study schedule and use visuals, technology, and group work to improve the effectiveness of their study experience.
- So You Think You Know How to Give a Good Presentation? Students will learn the basics of developing engaging and dynamic presentations, presentation do's and don'ts, and the latest technologies available in presentation software and applications.
- Thinking and Writing Like a Scholarly Transfer Student: Students will discuss writing and speaking expectations at the collegiate level and practice working through various dilemmas using critical thinking strategies.
- Transfer Essentials: Get questions answered on the bus schedule, the best places to study, and how to operate Canvas.
- The Transfer Student's Guide to Getting Involved: Student affairs professionals will discuss with students the benefits of an active campus engagement experience, provide information on how to make the best involvement choices, and explore how to develop original student organizations.